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Bystra, ul. J. Fałata 2k


Felice Lasco (magnetyczny Pierfrancesco Favino, gwiazda „Zdrajcy”) powraca po 40 latach do Neapolu i swojej matki. Wiedziony poczuciem winy i tęsknotą, otumaniony naiwną wiarą w rozgrzeszenie, nie zauważa, że Sanità, dzielnica katakumb, nędznych suteren i splątanych uliczek, zasysa go jak bagno. Sprzymierzony z walczącym z mafią księdzem i niepogodzony z własną mroczną przeszłością, Felice próbuje znaleźć starego przyjaciela, zapominając, że nostalgia bywa pułapką. Opowieść o fatum i spotkaniu z cieniem – ukrytym w labiryncie miasta i w labiryncie duszy.

It’s an enclave that even Neapolitans don’t know well, far from the sea and quite dangerous, which was abandoned for many years, the director of Nostalgia said about Rione Sanità in an interview with Variety. And it is this district of Naples, controlled by the Camorra, one of the poorest and most spectacular districts of the city, that is the main protagonist of a moving story about fate and an encounter with a shadow - the one hidden in the city's labyrinth and the one lurking in the soul. Felice Lasco (the magnetic Pierfrancesco Favino, star of Marco Belocchio’s The Traitor) returns to the city and his old mother after forty years. Driven by guilt, overpowered by longing, addled by a naive faith in absolution, he doesn’t notice that the district of catacombs, cemeteries, shabby basements – bassi and tangled streets is sucking him in like a swamp. Allied with a mafia-fighting local priest, unreconciled to his own dark past, disregarding the warnings, Felice searches for an old friend in Sanità, while forgetting that nostalgia is sometimes a trap. The movie, with which Mario Martone returned to the Cannes competition after 27 years, refers to his Nasty Love (Amore molesto, 1995), in which a Neapolitan woman was coming to terms with her past.

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Bystra, ul. J. Fałata 2k
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